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Skin-Loving Benefits of Natural Soap

Skin-Loving Benefits of Natural Soap

When it comes to daily hygiene habits, many of us are completely on auto pilot. We have developed our routines over time and we go through the same motions every day without giving much conscious thought to what we are doing. We wake up in the morning and immediately jump into our routines. We hop out of bed and brush our teeth, shower, make coffee and get on about our day. Because we’re so used to doing the same thing every day, we can easily get in the habit of using the same products for our daily routines for years without even realizing it! That can be a great thing if we're already using high-quality products, but can be a bit concerning if we have blindly been using low-quality products that may do more harm than good!

This brings us to the question: When is the last time you gave much thought to the soap you’re using? Maybe you’re someone who has used the same soap for years, or maybe you’re someone who loves to peruse the aisles at the grocery store looking for fun new products to try. Either way, taking a moment to learn more about the wide world of soaps could prove to be extremely beneficial and a game changer for your skin!

Looking across the landscape of commercial soaps, there are a plethora of options lining grocery store shelves at any given moment. There are tons of brands with all sorts of pretty packaging and eye-catching names, but if you take a closer look you’ll realize that most of these “soaps” aren’t actually soap at all.

Commercial Soap vs. Natural Soap

As it turns out, many of the commercial soaps available today are actually detergents rather than soaps. These detergent-style “soap” products are mass produced and, as such, cost-effectiveness is the name of the game. The manufacturers do their best to drive down costs and make these "soaps" as inexpensive to produce as possible. In addition, many of the commercial soaps are stripped of their naturally occurring glycerin in the name of increased shelf stability. In place of the natural glycerin, they are stuffed with synthetic foaming agents meant to mimic the natural suds that would be produced by glycerin. Additionally, they are packed with artificially created perfumes and fragrances, as well as more synthetic chemicals and surfactants. While these man-made ingredients do work well at removing dirt, they come at a cost. Detergents are generally harsh and can strip the skin of its good natural oils leaving it dry and irritated. There are also questions surrounding the consequences of regulalry using these synthetic ingredients on the skin. We know that our skin is our largest organ and anything we put on it will get absorbed into the body. I don’t know about you, but we don’t love the idea of putting questionable ingredients on our skin.

In contrast to these detergents and artificial products, natural soap is made with high quality, natural ingredients that you can easily recognize. The ingredients come from sources derived from nature such as plant sources, minerals, and sometimes animal byproducts (honey or milk). The ingredients undergo a process called saponification which converts them into soap. These natural ingredients are not only safe and familiar, but they are also extremely effective. Natural soaps are able to clean your skin incredibly well without stripping it of it’s natural oils or causing irritation.

Why We LOVE Natural Soap

Here at Rinse, we are dedicated to making all natural soaps the old fashioned way, the same way grandma used to (with a few modern improvements like digital scales and refined ingredients!). There are so many incredible benefits of natural soap and we've listed a few of our favorites below!

High Quality Ingredients

Natural soaps are made from high quality ingredients that you can recognize and can feel good about. Ingredients like shea butter, cocoa butter, olive oil, coconut oil, essential oils, and natural color blend together incredibly well to make amazing natural soaps that safely and effectively cleanse skin. These ingredients are naturally moisturizing and leave your skin feeling hydrated!

 Natural Soap Ingredients

Free of Chemicals and Harmful Toxins

Just as important as what goes into natural soap is what is left OUT of it. One of the best things about natural soap is that it is free of harsh chemicals and harmful toxins. Natural soaps don’t contain any synthetic preservatives, detergents, or artificial perfumes. It’s important that you can feel good about what you’re putting on your skin and natural soap allows you to do just that! You’ll never have to worry about any negative impacts on you or the environment from harmful toxins.


Gentle Yet Effective Cleansers

Cleaning your skin shouldn’t mean using harsh ingredients that cause irritation and strip it of its naturally occurring oils. Natural soaps have been found to be just as effective as commercial soaps when it comes to washing away dirt and germs. In fact, Janet Woodcock with the FDA has said “Consumers may think antibacterial washes are more effective at preventing the spread of germs, but we have no scientific evidence that they are any better than plain soap and water… In fact, some data suggests that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long-term.”

Incredibly Moisturizing

As we mentioned earlier, natural soaps contain many naturally moisturizing ingredients from various plant oils and butters. Some of our favorite ingredients are shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil. These easily recognizable ingredients are unbelievably nourishing to the skin. They infuse the skin with moisture and help your skin retain its good natural oils which helps to further moisturize skin and keep it healthy and glowing!

Full of Glycerin Goodness

The best byproduct of making natural soap has got to be glycerin! It's the key ingredient that gives natural soap its sudsy, bubbly goodness! It helps to wash away dirt and grime without being overly harsh. It also is an amazing humectant that ensures your skin keeps its good oils. It’s non-greasy which means its great for all skin types, including oily skin!


Environmentally Friendly

While the commercial packaging in stores may be shiny and eye catching, it’s also incredibly wasteful. Natural soap allows you to get all the goodness of an effective cleanser without any of the waste that comes from commercially packaged soap products.

Incredible Scents

Instead of using synthetic perfumes and fragrances, natural soaps are made with natural essential oils that not only provide benefits to the skin but they also smell absolutely incredible!

Limitless Varieties

One of the best things about natural soaps is that there are nearly unlimited options! Some natural soaps serve specific purposes, and some are more general purpose. They can also come in different forms, such as soap sticks which allow you to take your favorite soaps with you anywhere!

Most Popular Natural Soaps

We are really big fans of natural soap and have a wide variety of soaps available to choose from! It's hard to say which one is the best natural soap because they all have unique properties, but some of our best sellers are:

Dead Sea Mud Soap

This is our best selling soap and it’s easy to see why! It contains actual Dead Sea mud imported from Israel. This magical mud is known for its many skin-loving properties. It is incredibly purifying and is great at opening pores and pulling out impurities. It works great as a facial soap as well as a body soap. Many people with skin troubles including eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne have found it to be helpful for dealing with these conditions.

 Dead Sea Mud Soap

Casteel Soap

This all natural soap is the perfect option for anyone who has extremely sensitive skin. Casteel soap is our most gentle soap as it is made of only one ingredient – saponified olive oil. It’s gentle enough for the most sensitive skin types and even is great for little ones. It’s also a fantastic choice for anyone who has a hard time with scented products. It’s loved by dermatologists and those with skin concerns across the spectrum from eczema to psoriasis!

Euca-Mint Loofah

This soap is the perfect luxurious exfoliator! It combines an invigorating blend of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils and the soap is poured over a loofah for incredible exfoliating power. It’s excellent for the body and feet!

Tea Tree Soap Stick

As if natural soap wasn’t amazing enough, this soap levels up as it comes in the form of a soap stick! This soap is made with all natural tea tree oil and has an earthy, medicinal smell and is perfect for use as a facial or body soap. It’s great for those who deal with acne and blemish prone skin!


 Delightfully Decadent Natural Soaps

While specialty soaps are amazing for tackling tricky skin issues, we’ve also got tons of options that are just plain FUN! They’re a great way to treat yourself, and they make amazing gifts for those you love! We’ve got so many amazing scents that it’s hard to choose just a few to highlight, but we’ll do our best! Some of our favorite fun scents include:

Coco Kissed

This is one of our newest scents and we are OBSESSED! It has a warm beachy vibe with soft vanilla undertones. It's sweet scent is addicting and it's sure to be a new favorite!

Blue Citrus

Another new scent, this citrusy blend contains hints of orange, lemon, and grapefruit! The cheery scent is bright and fresh, and it may even remind you of your favorite volcano candle!



When you need a little rest and relaxation, lavender soap is the way to go! Our soap is made with French Lavender Essential Oil and has lavender buds sprinkled on top for a little extra flair! Great for night time baths for you or your little ones!


Calla Lily

If you’re looking for an elegant, lightly floral scent then look no further than our Calla Lily Soap! It features the clean scents of the beautifully elegant Calla Lily. It’s pure luxury for the skin and the senses!

Calla Lily Soap

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Discover the Amazing Benefits of Dead Sea Mud!

Discover the Amazing Benefits of Dead Sea Mud!

Here at Rinse, we are all about natural skin care. We believe that natural products are better for our skin, and we believe that they can be just as effective as conventional products. In many cases, we would argue they are actually more effective! In our never-ending search for natural skin care ingredients that are truly effective, there is one ingredient we have come to genuinely LOVE for its many skin-loving benefits. It’s a 100% natural ingredient that comes straight from the Earth. We love it so much that we put it into soaps, masks, and even a body polish… So, what is this remarkable ingredient we speak of? Dead Sea Mud, of course!

Despite its name, the Dead Sea is actually a lake located in the Middle East that borders Jordan on its east and Israel on its right. It has a rich and storied history dating back to ancient times. Many of us grew up learning of its low elevation (the lowest on Earth!) and its incredibly high salt content (saltier than the ocean!). We probably remember learning that those who take a swim in the Dead Sea actually float without even trying due to the high salinity. It always seemed like a magical place, but there is more magic to be found there in the mineral-rich mud! While not everyone has heard of the benefits of Dead Sea mud, you may be surprised to learn that the benefits are not a new discovery at all. In fact, it is said that this mud was a favorite beauty product of ancient leaders dating back to Cleopatra and the Queen of Sheba! If it was good enough for them, it is good enough for us!


What Makes Dead Sea Mud So Good For Skin?

We all know that the Dead Sea has an excessively high salt (sodium) content, but there are far more minerals that are dissolved in the Dead Sea. Dead Sea mud is some of the most mineral-rich mud on Earth, containing a total of 21 minerals! The list of minerals includes sodium, magnesium, calcium, bromine, iodine, zinc, bitumen, sulfur, and potassium. Many of these minerals have known therapeutic, detoxifying, relieving, and healing properties. The high concentration of these minerals found in this mud makes Dead Sea mud a potent ingredient in a variety of natural skin care products. Curious what some of these minerals are known for?

  • Sodium: This mineral is known to have moisturizing properties which means it can be super helpful when it comes to locking in hydration. It's also an excellent ingredient for cleansing and exfoliating.
  • Magnesium: This mineral is known to work as a calming agent and to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with overall appearance of skin. Some have even reported it helping to reduce skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis!
  • Calcium: This mineral is known to promote cell regeneration and skin growth. Also known for helping to retain moisture.
  • Zinc: This mineral is known to help rejuvenate and heal skin. Many have reported that Zinc is helpful when it comes to acne, reducing signs of aging, and providing protection from the sun!
  • Sulfur: Helpful for clearing pores and known for it’s healing and antibacterial properties

 Another amazing fact about Dead Sea Mud is that it is universally beneficial. Unlike many products and ingredients, Dead Sea mud can safely be used on a wide range of skin types. When used topically, it is fantastic for dry skin, normal skin, and even oily skin! This is great news because most everyone falls into one of those buckets! So, that’s a long way of saying that Dead Sea mud is great for everyone!

Benefits of Dead Sea Mud


With all those amazing minerals present in Dead Sea mud, you probably have a good idea of what the skin-care benefits are from using this mud, but we'll break it down for you a little more! If you're wondering "What's the bottom line? What can Dead Sea Mud do for me?," here are a few of our favorite benefits:

  • Purifying – It might be hard to think of mud as a purifying cleanser, but consider this a truth stranger than fiction! Dead Sea Mud works to clean and purify the skin, ridding it of unwanted dirt and grime. It helps to draw out unwanted toxins and other build up to remove it from the skin. Aside from having cleaner skin, an added benefit of this is that it can help to make pores look smaller, resulting in more smooth and refined-looking skin!
  • Exfoliating – Considering that Dead Sea mud is made up of salt and minerals, it has a fine texture that makes it an excellent natural exfoliator. It has a gentle pulling action that helps to exfoliate the skin while the minerals in the mud invigorate the skin. Exfoliating the skin is a great way to get rid of those unwanted dead skin cells to reveal softer, more radiant skin below!
  • Hydrating – Dead Sea Mud is a great option for helping to restore skin’s moisture levels. The hydrating effects of this mud are excellent for those dealing with skin issues such as dryness, patchiness, and cracking. Get the hydration boost you have been looking for from a natural source!
  • Clearing – Using Dead Sea mud is a great option for clarifying your skin. The mineral-rich content of the mud has been known to help clear complexion for healthier skin. Many have reported that using Dead Sea Mud on the skin has helped with clearing a wide variety of tricky skin conditions including acne, eczema, and more!
  • Soothing – Who doesn't need a little skin soothing? People travel from near and far to enjoy the soothing relief of the Dead Sea. Many report that the mud provides a soothing effect on their skin, as well as on tired joints and muscles! 

The benefits of Dead Sea mud are nearly endless! The fact that people throughout the centuries have taken advantage of the magical mud speaks volumes about it's effectiveness. With so much goodness packed into a naturally occurring mud, it’s no wonder it has become such a popular skin care ingredient in many products today!


Many Ways To Take Advantage of Dead Sea Mud

Now that you know all the amazing benefits of Dead Sea mud, you may be wondering "How can I get my hands on this!?". No worries... We have you covered! Check out some of our favorite products featuring our favorite magical mud! There are many applications for how to use the mud... everything from soap (and soap sticks), to facial masks and salt scrubs! We import mud directly from the Dead Sea (in Israel) to put in our products. It is the same high quality stuff used in spa's! Let us bring the Dead Sea to you!

Dead Sea Mud Soap: This soap is an excellent way to get the benefits of Dead Sea mud in a soap form! The Dead Sea mud is blended with incredible spa-like scents of Bulgarian Lavender and Spearmint essential oils to create a luxurious soap experience! This versatile soap can be used as a facial soap or as an all over body soap. It’s excellent for removing makeup, and many have even reported benefits for various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Many experience reduced redness and bright, fresh skin!

What a great face soap! It's creamy and takes off all of my makeup including the mascara. I have combo oily skin and it leaves my face feeling clean and fresh without any drying. My complexion looks and feels better already after just a few uses. Smell is great and relaxing. This will be one of my new favorites from Rinse!” – Heather H.


I have used just about every facial product made, including Proactiv, and this is THE best for oily skin. Feels tight without drying and clears up pimples in a day or two.” – Carla E.


Dead Sea Mud Soap Stick: All the benefits of Dead Sea Mud, but in a convenient twist-up tube! This is the perfect choice for anyone looking to enjoy the benefits of Dead Sea Mud Soap on-the-go! Throw it in your gym bag, travel bag, or even keep it in your home shower… no matter where you go, you can enjoy the amazing benefits of Dead Sea Mud soap!


Love this soap. It leaves my skin so clean & it feels so smooth. It diminishes any redness & leaves my skin looking bright & clear.” – Danielle C.


I’ve used a Dead Sea mud mask, but I liked the idea of a soap with it in. The first time I used the soap on my face, my pores appeared smaller. I’ve been using it once a day, and my skin looks and feels great.” – Karla G.


Dead Sea Mud Loofah Soap: Imagine Dead Sea Mud Soap, with loofah added in for extra exfoliation! This soap is quite literally our classic Dead Sea Mud Soap poured over a loofah for a well-rounded experience! The soap cleanses the skin while the loofah exfoliates. This is a great option for a hand and all over body soap, and even works great on the feet or as an exfoliating soap to use before shaving!


A must have! Have always loved the Dead Sea mud soap for my face. Decided to try it in the loofa form. Did not disappoint! Skin feels wonderful!” – Farra S.
I’ve used countless exfoliating soaps. This one is the best. The smell is great and relaxing. I feel like a lizard that just shed it’s dead skin. I come out soft and refreshed.” - Sarah


Dead Sea Mud Salt Polish: A salt scrub with the highest quality salt to be found! This body polish is made from salt (of course) blended with high-quality moisturizing oils and a refreshing Lavender and Spearmint essential oil blend. It is a rich body polish that leaves your skin feeling soft and moisturized, but never greasy!


This product is one of my favorites. It is a needed relief to my sometimes rough skin!” – Joel C.


Love this product!” – Andrea C.


Dead Sea Mud Mask: One of our favorite ways to get the benefits of Dead Sea mud is using it as a mask! This mask is purifying, nourishing, clearing, and soothing!


I received this mask in my box of goodness. It’s not normally a product I would order. I have very sensitive skin and I am cautious about new products. This mask has been amazing! My complexion feels clean, bright, and refreshed after each use. I highly recommend this mask!” – Heather C.
I absolutely love this mask. It’s easy to use, it doesn’t have a funny smell and it leaves my skin really smooth and soft. I feel like every time I try a new product from Rinse I say “this is my new favorite product.” But this really is my new favorite product. I’m thinking of getting a tub for my sister.” – Stephanie P.

Dead Sea Mud Facial Kit: The closest thing to going to the spa, without actually going to the spa! Our Dead Sea Mud Facial Kit includes our best-selling Dead Sea Mud Soap as well as our Dead Sea Mud Mask so you can treat your skin to a spa-like experience from the comfort of home!

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